1. Ted Riddle says:

    Well done! Very helpful.

    1. I’m glad the post was helpful, Ted!

  2. Lima Crimms says:

    so helpful!! thanks so much

    1. You are welcome, Lima!

  3. Best explanation of Latin cases I could find – thank you 🙂 Would be good to have exercises with english translation for practice.

    1. You are welcome, AJ! Hopefully in the future I can add exercises!

  4. This is very well laid out and easy to use…. fantastic job. I am relearning Latin after 30+ years after my Jesuit education, and this is a great resource. You are very good at this. Thank you!!

    1. You are welcome, Anthony! Good luck with your Latin studies 🙂

  5. I am using “Homo sapiens prōlixus” in a novel to indicate the next step in human evolution: wise, long-lived human. Am I correct or incorrect?

    1. Hi Paul, I think that this works well! Good luck with your novel!

  6. Thanks for everything you are doing. Your site is a life saver. It simplifies things a lot.

    1. You are welcome, Amine! I’m glad my site is helping you out!

  7. Trying to understand how to distinguish declensions:

    If you have the same ending on a given noun, like aqua or aquae, it can be seen as either nominative singular/ablative singular for ‘aqua’, or genitive singular/dative singular/nominative plural for ‘aquae’. How can you tell the difference if the word is not in the context of a sentence.

    Similar question:

    When you have two nouns or a noun and an adjective together that do not match in ending, how do you tell which takes priority? For example, how would one translate ‘terra mariae’?

    1. Hi Luke, great questions. The answer to your first question is that, without context, you *can’t* tell what case an ambiguous form like *aquae* is in. It’s kind of like in English how you wouldn’t know if the word “lead” is a noun or a verb if you saw it in isolation.

      Now for your second question. First of all, an adjective ALWAYS has to agree with its noun, so if an adjective and noun don’t have the same case, number, and gender, this means the adjective is not modifying that particular noun.

      If you have two nouns together, you have to figure out what relationship the different cases are establishing between the two nouns. In your example, *terra Mariae* has a nominative (terra) and a genitive (Mariae) and so it means “the land of Maria” or “Maria’s land.”

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